Larches, larches and MORE LARCHES!

It is on! Once again, people are out searching for the best hikes to view the larches. Personally, I am much more fascinated with the grasses, bushes and other low vegetation that turns bright red and orange. These colours can be seen anywhere you have a meadow. So feel free to zag while others zig.

For those who don’t live in Alberta, you might be wondering what all the fuss is about. We have a very short growing season, and we are at elevation. This means the types of trees that grow in our Rocky Mountains is very limited. For conifers, we have spruce, a few varieties of pine, and of course, larch trees. For deciduous trees, we mainly have aspen poplars.

Fall Colours

The short growing season and being at a high elevation limits the trees that can grow. This means we only have two trees that turn colour – aspen and larch trees. They both turn a beautiful yellow, but it’s short lived. If you miss that week of colour, you’ll have to wait until next year.

Thankfully, the flowers, grasses and low bushes provide much more colour, and it lasts way longer. It’s possible to get rich and vibrant oranges and reds for weeks, and entire hillsides can explode in a riot of colours. Usually, this low vegetation turns colour prior to the larch season, so if you wait for the larches, you’ll miss the other colours.

These next two photos are from my friend Steve Riggs who is an avid and accomplished backcountry enthusiast, and an amazing photographer. See more of his work here –

This is what I’m talking about! This riot of colour, to me, is way more impressive and gorgeous than the larch trees. There is beauty to be found for weeks if you look for it.
This photo is also courtesy of Steve Riggs. While the Rocky Mountain Sheep steals the show, check out that meadow full of reds, yellows and oranges. So beautiful!

Where to Find Larches

Larches prefer to grow at higher elevations, with little or no competition. At tree line, where pine and spruce stop growing, this leaves space for the larch trees to thrive.

While there are a lot of larch trees here, they still grow apart from each other. Compared to the tight spruce forest behind, these trees are widely spaced.

While spruce and some pine trees can grow very close together, larch trees prefer to have ample space between them. As you hike up and gain elevation, you can see the dense spruce and pine forest will eventually give way to a more open forest. This is most likely a larch forest.

In the summer when all the trees are the same shade of green, you can tell a larch tree by their very soft needles.

Sensitive Alpine Environment – Stay on the Trail!

What absolutely kills me every year is the hoards of people who travel out to view these amazing trees in their pristine native mountain environment, yet have zero respect for that same environment. The amount of times I see people trampling precious and fragile alpine flowers and meadows to get that perfect photo of a larch tree is mind boggling.

The alpine is a very fragile environment. It takes forever for plants to grow. Trampling fragile flowers and bushes is like walking on a Picasso is get closer to a van Gogh. All plants have value. All plants deserve to live. Please treat them all with respect.

If you go, please remember to:

  • Stay on the trail at all times. Do no go ‘cross country’ and stomp on other plants.
  • When stopping for snacks, please do not sprawl out in a meadow. Find a rock near the path.
  • If the trail is very wet, muddy or covered in wet fall snow, go a different day. Wet trails degrade faster than dry trails. Thousands of feet trampling a muddy trail in one single season can destroy a trail for years to come.
  • Be bear aware. This is PRIME bear feeding season. If there are bear warnings for an area, even if it’s not closed, please go somewhere else. There are literally hundreds of hikes with larches.

Hikes to See Larch Trees

Larch trees grow just about anywhere in the Canadian Rockies. If you can hike high enough, you can find larch trees. For example, the first photo above was taken below Mount Sparrowhawk. This is not on anyone’s larch radar, yet there are hundreds of larch trees to admire.

There are several hikes that are ‘known’ for viewing larches. Here are some of these popular hikes.

Arethusa Cirque & Ptarmigan Cirque:

Arethusa Cirque and Ptarmigan Cirque are both quick wins. Most of the elevation is gained while driving up to the Highwood Pass. Both of these hikes are fairly short, with not a lot of elevation to be gained.

The first tree you see when entering Arethusa Cirque is a larch.
Highwood Pass / Pocaterra Ridge:

Many larch hunters will not do the entire Pocaterra Ridge, but will instead stop in the meadow just below the ascent to Pocaterra Ridge above the Highwood Pass. This is one place where you can find people spread out everywhere. Please stay on the trail at all times.

The two photos by Steve Riggs are both at Pocaterra Ridge.

Arnica Lake & Twin Lakes via Vista Lake:

This trail goes up and down a few passes. The top of each pass is a glorious feast of larches. Go as far as you like and return. Or make a traverse with Shadow Lake trailhead off the Trans Canada highway, but two cars are needed.

I backpacked through this area in the summer, but took this photo of the hundreds of larches because I knew that some day, some one would want to see them in the fall.
Chester Lake / Burstall Pass:

These two hikes are found on the Smith Dorian highway, and are across the road from each other. Both start at very high elevations, so you don’t have to do much work to get high enough to see the larches.

Ever wonder what a larch looks like in the winter? No, these trees are not dead – they are larches!
Healy Pass:

Healy Pass is a longer hike through a forest, with the payoff being right at the very end. It’s a lovely hike though, and if you haven’t done it yet, then get on it.

This is the summit of Healy Pass, looking down one side of the valley. The other side is equally impressive.
Larch Valley and Sentinel Pass:

As the name suggests, Larch Valley is an ideal place to see the larches. This is a busy area. Please consider booking the shuttle in advance. It’s fast, easy, and removes 99% of the stress of driving and parking.

This is not a long hike. You do not need a 4:00 am alpine start to get it done. Trust me – it is way nicer to arrive at the shuttle station at 8:00 am, and actually enjoy yourself, than to drive in the dark and then sit in your car for hours waiting for the sun to come up.

Sentinel Pass is above Larch Valley. Again, this is a place where people tend to spread out and trample fragile plants. Please stay on the trail.

My daughters’ hustling it back after summiting Mt. Temple last September. I’m not even sure they noticed the larches. Kids these days 🙂

I hope you enjoy your fall hiking and larch hunting season.

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Posted in Adventures, Hiking
19 comments on “Larches, larches and MORE LARCHES!
  1. Perfect photos! I absolutely need to make it out to see these beautiful colors one day.

  2. I’d love to travel out west to experience what fall is like in the mountains. I’ve only ever seen golden larches from photographs. The leaves are just starting to turn colour here in southern Ontario. It’s been rather rainy, but I’m looking forward to getting some fall hiking in. Hope all is well and that your daughters are adjusting to university life. Take care. Linda

  3. Very nice Alisen, and personally, I really enjoy this season of the year up on the mountains.

    It is also very nice all the links you have added to the post, so, people like me that live in different continent can “connect” the dots of the various areas you have been hiking.

    All the best, and greetings from Greece.

  4. Looks so amazing!!! This is definitely my favorite time of year for hiking! Those fall colors are the best!

  5. Diana says:

    So pretty! I’m sure I’ve seen larches when I’ve visited Canada, but I’ve never seen the, change color!

  6. My husband and I would love to visit Alberta one day. We enjoy mountains and hiking and achieving those beautiful heights. I’m not sure we’ll make the trip during the autumn though! Thanks for sharing the beautiful photos, and I agree that beautiful color isn’t limited to the trees. 😀

    • alisendopf says:

      We would love to have you come visit. Please let me know if you come, and I’ll give you some trip ideas. The summer is the nicest time for weather for sure, but it is a busier time of year. Book well in advance.

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